With technology constantly evolving, giving your business flexibility has never been easier! There are now a variety of ways which encourage productivity and efficiency within your work force. With a team of IT experts on call, you can take your business with you, anywhere you go. It really is that simple. Working flexibly can save your company money whilst encouraging employee commitment and loyalty and thus reducing the turnover of your workforce, as well as levels of sickness absence.
Working remotely
Working remotely can reduce the need for office space and provides a modern working environment with links in to your businesses network. If you have a team that travel, they can be working on the go with communication tools such as 3CX VoIP telephony, which is available on both mobiles and VPN connections. Remote working supports a good work-life balance, which generally results in a happier, more enthusiastic team of employees.
The Cloud
Increasingly, businesses are moving towards Cloud Computing for a number of benefits, including convenience and agility. Cloud Technology means employees can access and use files, applications and storage across the internet which increases collaborative working within your business. Take a look at Pegasus Business Cloud!
Pegasus Mobile Sales App
This year, Minster’s partner Pegasus released a mobile sales app to assist the sales team further while out on the road. The app is available on android tablets and is soon coming to iOS devices so that the sales team have the ability to place orders remotely. Every aspect of a sale can be done from start to finish, out of the office, or at a customer site, saving your business a lot of time.