
Discover a flexible Payroll and HR system that fits your Business with Opera 3

Payroll software is an essential tool for modern day businesses that allows you to manage employee data such as salaries, taxes, deductions and pension contributions accurately and efficiently. It can also process direct pay slip deposits, generate tax forms and process the correct amount of deductions according to each employee with ease.

In today’s fast paced working environment, it can be difficult to keep up with the ever-changing payroll legislations as well as the day-to-day employee absences. This can not only be confusing but also very time consuming. Pegasus Opera 3’s payroll is fully compliant with HMRC PAYE and RTI recognition, and fully caters for submissions of real-time data and pension auto enrollment.

Opera 3’s Payroll & HR software eliminates employer confusion with their innovative tool catered to suit the needs of all various businesses. The module eradicates all the need of paper-based systems and is more accurate and significantly faster than its counterparts, allowing employers to customise any given pay slip to the needs of the employee.

Using Opera 3, regardless of the size of your company, you can be assured that your employees will be provided with the correct pay slips that can be emailed, printed or accessed via a mobile device. Most importantly, it allows you to get back to the objective that matters most – running your company.

To speak to the team today about equipping your business with Pegasus’ award-winning Payroll & HR software, please contact the sales team for a demonstration on or 01562 68211 for a quote today.